Basmati Rice: How to Check for Bugs
Basmati rice is frequently infested with bug and must be checked.
Look for: thrips.
Note: Basmati rice is more often infested than regular rice and requires the checking procedure described below. See how to check regular rice.
How to check Basmati Rice
1. Soak the rice in a glass vessel of water for five minutes. The vessel should be large enough to fit the rice, as well as to allow an individual to vigorously agitate the product.
2. Agitate the rice in the water.
3. The water will become cloudy due to the starch in the rice. Allow the water to become clear.
4. Place the glass vessel over a light box or in window light. Check for thrips, which would normally float to the top.
5. If no infestation is found, all of the rice (even the portion that remained in the sack) may be eaten. If infestation is found, none of the rice (even the portion that remained in the sack) may be eaten.